Working Papers
Working papers
1. Coordinated R&D Programs and the Creation of New Industries
(with Maria Roche)
revise & resubmit at Strategic Management Journal
Abstract (click to expand)
2. Beyond Innovation: The Composition and Dynamics of Technology-enabled Entrepreneurship
(with Jorge Guzman and Innessa Colaiacovo)
revise & resubmit at Strategic Management Journal
Abstract (click to expand)
Media: Entrepreneur Magazine
3. The Therapeutic Consequences of the War: World War II and the 20th Century Expansion of Biomedicine
(with Bhaven Sampat)
Abstract (click to expand)
Draft available on request
4. Who Pays for Scientific Training in the United States?
(with Dror Shvadron and Hansen Zhang)
Abstract (click to expand)
Draft not yet circulating
Projects in progress
Economic Espionage in the 21st century
(with Britta Glennon and Lia Sheer)
Additional projects underway on:
The estimation of public-private R&D spillovers over long horizons
The impacts of large, systemic declines in public R&D investment
Windfalls to technical knowledge stocks in high-tech industries
Organizational complexity as a source of technology lock-in
Automation and the decline of organized labor in America
Unions, division of rents, and reskilling in an age of automation